Minority creates knowledge, Majority generates intelligence

I was reading Weinstein's piece in NYT today, on Samuelson.  In the context of Samuelson's contribution to Kenyesian economic theory, the article points out that in the 1930's, when Keynes developed his ideas, world leaders could not cope with the great depression, whereas last year we were able to get it right:
Back then, governments stood pat or made matters worse by trying to balance fiscal budgets and erecting trade barriers. But 80 years later, having absorbed the Keynesian preaching of Mr. Samuelson and his followers, most industrialized countries took corrective action, raising government spending, cutting taxes, keeping exports and imports flowing and driving short-term interest rates to near zero.
I have been trying to find examples where the intelligence of a group of people turned out to be greater than that of one; where the origin and propagation of knowledge ultimately led to collective human behavior (thought and action) demonstrating an increase in intelligence. Examples in individual organizations was being hard to qualify. 
So, one group of the human population creates a problem and another group solves it.  An action is a problem when it concerns a minority of the population and is a solution when it is related to the majority.  Both groups of actors, were exposed to the same knowledge over the same period of time (80 years).  It may even be very difficult to find unique identities of the two groups of actors. But a solution was implemented. That's indicative of the evolution of intelligence.  
What did it achieve?  Nothing new.  It just ensured the sustenance of the system! Technological innovators achieve much greater feats.  The next big problem, our climate, environment and habitat will probably test if technological innovation has made us more intelligent. However, the majority and the minority of the population seems to have a wrong alignment this time. The solution will come from the minority, but the majority has already aggregated, around negatives.


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