per capita emissions - Convenient?

Due to industrial growth, India's energy consumption and thereby emission and pollution in general is increasing rapidly. However, if you divide the absolute emissions by the population, the emission per capita is insignificant, compared to the rest of the world.

Anyone who is following the media already knows what our Minister of Environment and Forests Jayaram Ramesh's argument was. What got left out in the Indian media is that Secretary Clinton actually questioned our rationale for dividing by 1 billion. Ours is a loosing argument because the discussion is being initiated by the industrialized. Retrograde action prompted by the developed I guess is a fundamental characteristic of the developing.

Here's the absolute emissions per country. I would think there's more recent data somewhere out there but the trend is clear. I guess the question is whether a country's size is described by its population or land area and thus, is the environment being looked at only from the perspective of the human beings or the planet as a whole.

We therefore find the US Secretary of State pushing India towards indigenous green technology development and perhaps science and technology in general while India seems more concerned that the world may start confusing us as a developed industrialized nation. Why can't I find the MoE&F urging us to develop the necessary technologies? Even the TERI report last December, that I thought reflected a similar progressive impetus for India, I now find have been maligned. Lets ask, for starters, the Indian corporate houses that build temples to legitemize their earnings instead upgrade our existing electrical grid. Why are we investing into developing post graduate teaching programs in nanoscience and nanotechnology? Who will teach What and to Who and Why? I guess Steven Chu needs to make a visit next?


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